Ilias Lalaounis Legacy: a Retrospective

New Temporary Exhibition!

The Ilias Lalaounis Jewelry Museum celebrates its Pearl Jubilee Anniversary and presents its new temporary exhibition

“Ilias Lalaounis Legacy: a Retrospective”

1st March – 31st October 2024


Exhibition Introductory Note:

For the Museum’s 30th anniversary, a temporary exhibition devoted to its founder Ilias Lalaounis unveils material from the Museum’s archive presenting the international recognition of the artist from the 1950s onwards. The temporary exhibition “The Ilias Lalaounis Legacy: A Retrospective” highlights the artistic intelligence and innovative spirit of the designer who founded a new school for jewelry making, reviving ancient goldsmithing techniques and producing thousands of designs to be copied worldwide.

In the exhibition a panorama of pictures, rare neckpieces and models, and designs complemented by editorials, personal notes, original designs, correspondence with world leaders, photos from special events, and more visualize the enduring success of Lalaounis to distinguish him as one of the dominating figures of the 20th century western fine jewelry industry.